WERO instruction on safety gloves

So that your employees use gloves properly


Well protected with our WERO4YOU services.

It is one of the annual duties of an employer - yet it is often neglected: protective glove training. We are happy to help you and regularly train your employees. In this way, we ensure optimum protection and comfort for everyone in their day-to-day work. At the same time, your team is sensitised to potential risks.

Services of the WERO instruction on gloves:

  • Instruction of your employees in accordance with DGUV Rule 112-995 Section 6.2
  • Special attention to the points:
    - Use of protective gloves
    - Glove shape and glove material
    - Wearing time and ageing of protective gloves
    - Care instructions for the skin
  • Increasing wearer acceptance
  • Documentation of the instruction for your further use

Do you provide your employees with protective gloves in your company? As the person responsible, you may have already asked yourself :

  • Do my employees know which gloves they need to wear at work?
  • Do my employees wear these gloves regularly?
  • Do they use skin protection products that are adapted to the properties of the glove?
  • Are my employees instructed in the correct use of protective gloves at least once a year?
  • Do we have potential savings when using our gloves?
6 Mitarbeitende eines Unternehmens stehen um einen hölzernen Tisch und testen mit einem WERO Mitarbeitenden verschiedene Arbeitshandschuhe

Procedure for WERO instruction:

So that you can minimise the risk of hand injuries in your company, we carry out regular WERO training sessions on the subject of hand protection with protective gloves.

You decide how often the WERO training should take place and the main topics for the individual groups or departments. In order to rule out possible misuse by employees, our WERO technical advisors use practical examples to demonstrate how protective gloves should be worn correctly and what the participants need to be aware of when handling protective gloves.

At the end of the WERO training, you will receive a training certificate for all participants as documentation for your records. Once the WERO glove training course has been successfully completed, the participants' expertise will be up to date and you will be able to minimise hand and skin exposure in your company.

Benefit from our experience and expertise.

Anfrage einer WERO Dienstleistung Arbeitsschutz - WERO Unterweisung Schutzhandschuhe
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