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WERO AED training

Abbildung des ZOLL AED Defibrillators mit Elektroden und der daneben liegenden Übungspuppe

Prepared in an emergency: Our medical device consultants will regularly train you in small groups on the correct use of your AED in accordance with DGUV Information 204-010.

Abbildung des ZOLL AED Defibrillators mit Elektroden und der daneben liegenden Übungspuppe

WERO AED training

The use of an AED can make the difference between life and death. Any of us can find ourselves in a situation where a quick response and knowledge of the AED are crucial. It is therefore of the utmost importance to practise regularly and keep up to date.

Regular AED training is vital to promote people's ability to respond appropriately in emergencies and save lives. DGUV Information 204-010 emphasises this importance and provides guidelines for our medical device consultants to train to ensure they are effective and up to date.

Procedure for WERO AED training

  • Explanation of the AED and accessories on the device
  • Correct procedure in an emergency
  • Practical exercises with the AED
  • Documentation of the training and certificate of attendance

We encourage you to regularly attend AED training, refresh your knowledge and train others around you. The more people who are able to act in an emergency, the safer our community will be.

  1. Make an appointment
  2. Receive a medical device consultant on site
  3. Refresh your knowledge and feel safe

WERO AED commissioning

In accordance with the MPBetreibV, we put your AED into operation, carry out a functional test on site and instruct your medical devices officer in the operation of the device - including documentation of all measures in the medical devices log.

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